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You Connection has a highly unique creative style that sometimes stands out among the Christian creative market. There is a funky, whimsical, outlandish signature to all of our productions that appeals to a broad spectrum of audience- our material and our message reaches out to churchgoers and non-churchgoers alike. While our films are entertaining, they are ultimately meant to make audiences think.

All You Connection productions (theatre and media) are designed for grade-school-aged kids, teens, and adults. Preschoolers are a bit too young to follow some of the more complex spiritual themes or social topics, and there may be some mildly dramatic or unsettling moments contained in the films.

The following is an overview of specific content in YC Films (The YC Web Channel is suitable for 7-12-year-olds and does not require viewer content).

WARNING: The following content may contain spoilers or important plot points!

Megsie: A Pilgrim's Progress

- themes of salvation, repentance, temptation, eternity in heaven or eternity in hell

- depicts an evil countess who turns unbelieving travelers into ornaments as an allegory for hell

- pro-life themes are plot points in the film (the suggestion of abortion is shown)

- two teenage girls suffer the fate of being transformed into ornaments forever

- Megsie, the heroine, faces mildly creepy villains while being tempted in a bizarre digital landscape

back to Megsie page


- themes of standing for your faith, religious persecution, shining the light in a dark world

- depicts light and dark as an allegory for the kingdom of God and the kingdom of the world

- the 1962 removal of prayer from public schools, and the ripple effect of such a decision, is a key social commentary in the film

- in the sinister NightWorld Academy, students are misled and mistreated by the sinister faculty (including being tied up or locked up in the prison-like Permanent Detention)

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Rainbow Shoes

- themes of temptation, redemption, and the horrible realities of "selling your soul"

- the Peddler is literally the devil, wandering the world in disguise and selling his goods

- a central theme is the ultimate victory of Christ at the cross, but from the perspective of the losing side, the devil (similar to C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters)

- another theme is the power that a believer in Jesus Christ has over temptation and the devil

- though never explicitly mentioned, our current gender issues (and the traditional views of what the Bible says about gender) are a major subtext of the plot (in favor of the traditional biblical view of male and female), particularly in the depiction of "rainbow shoes" and a ghastly wish-come-true that leaves a gang of friends trapped in one another's bodies (it is discovered that the girl is trapped in the boy's body, etc.)

- a scene in which a heroic teen girl has a "battle of the mind" contains a potentially unsettling moment where she talks to a version of herself

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Escape from the Grand Guignol

- an allegorical fable of both the physical and spiritual war between Christianity and the anti-Christian agendas in our society

- it must be understood that the insane asylum setting is for symbolic and allegorical purposes and is not meant to depict the literal subject of mental illness; this is a symbolic fable ONLY comparable to the moral "craziness" we experience in our present society

- characters die and violent acts are suggested without being graphically depicted or even depicted at all

- the inmates are subjected to bizarre anger-inducing or psychologically provoking "therapies"

- drugs and drug use are referenced

- there is an edgy, rock video style and a surrealism to the presentation

- Christian martyrdom is a subplot of the film

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George MacDonald's Phantastes

- an allegory for the supernatural war between angels and demons, heaven and hell, and for God's daily intervention in our lives

- fairies and goblins are the symbolic substitutes for angels and demons, and the supernatural realm is symbolized as Fairy Country

- similar to Escape from the Grand Guignol, there is an edgy, rock video style to the grungy world of Fairy Country

- there are surreal elements and mildly creepy moments

- the biblical concept of "dying so you may live" (i.e. being born again) is literally represented

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Little Crooked House

- a symbolic fable about the heart, according to Romans 3; contrary to the secular belief that "man is basically good", the Word of God states that man is evil and in need of a Savior; hence, the pursuit of personal happiness is depicted in all its true selfish colors, with characters seeking to please themselves at the expense of others

- despite its upbeat nostalgic musical feel, there are a couple of jump scares and depictions of family quarreling

- there are a few fleeting adult references to current events, including a humorously scathing reference to JFK's numerous affairs and the use of "different water fountains" in racially segregated areas, as well as a correctly used use of the word "hell" which is nevertheless humorously bleeped by the infamous "Hays Code"

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Bubblegum Dream Machine

- the 1960s drug culture (psychedelics) is a major reference in the film

- drugs are traded between characters, and one character is seen inhaling drugs and experiencing the subsequent hallucinations

- the tumult of 1968, including the assassinations of MLK and Robert Kennedy, are referenced

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George MacDonald's The Golden Key

- the setting is a war-ravaged Germany during World War II

- death and eternity are key themes, with salvation in Christ leading you to heaven, or rejection of Christ leading you to hell

- like Phantastes, the supernatural world is depicted as an allegorical parallel world known as Fairy Country, populated by curious characters who represent aspects of light and darkness, good and evil, angels and demons

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George MacDonald's At the Back of the North Wind

- the concept of theodicy (why a loving God allows bad things to happen) is intricately explored

- the concept of death is dealt with in a character who is dying of terminal cancer

back to North Wind

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