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You Connection adheres to the traditional Christian faith according to the Bible and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You Connection refers to James 4:8, "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you." You connect to Him, He connects to you!

There is no watering down, no "political correctness", no universalism or "progressive Christianity" in You Connection; we believe Jesus is the only way to salvation (Philippians 2:5-11), Jesus is the living Word of God (John 1:1-5), His Word is unchanging (Hebrews 13:8), and God is the creator of all things (Genesis 1, Colossians 1:16).

Check out our Core Values on our main site at


A Biblical Worldview

You Connection content covers a wide variety of biblical topics and themes (discussed in detail on each individual film page), but every project is intended to give viewers a stronger and more comprehensive biblical worldview. A biblical worldview is the only complete worldview because it answers the four questions necessary for any worldview:

- origin (how did we get here?)

- meaning (why are we here?)

- morality (what is right and wrong?)

- destiny (what is our purpose?)

There are four absolutes that all humans desire to see (evil, justice, love, forgiveness) and these things are answered in the life, death, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus. His worldview is unique and exclusive because it diagnoses the problem AND provides the solution. In some way, all YC Web content seeks to explain and explore this worldview to viewers.


Jesus is the Answer

Essentially, Jesus is the plot resolution in every You Connection project (sorry, spoiler alert). A common question is, how do you know Jesus is the only way to salvation? Because He said so (John 14:6). He's either telling the truth or He is a liar. The question is, do you believe that? Belief leads to experiential reality (1 John 1:1-3), and YC content not only reinforces Jesus as the only way, but also why.


Real Topics for Real Times

You Connection does not shy away from tackling deep theological and social topics, but we do it in a way that is palatable and conducive to a creative medium. Examples include Christian persecution (Foxe's Book of Martyrs, Escape from the Grand Guignol), why a loving God allows evil to exist (At the Back of the North Wind), the sinful heart (Little Crooked House), gender confusion (Rainbow Shoes), the removal of prayer from public schools (NightWorld), etc.


Allegory and Symbolism

Don't look for literalism on YC Web (this isn't The Chosen)! Almost all YC content (both film and theatre) presents the Gospel through allegory and symbolism. This is one of the most powerful ways to present concepts and beliefs in a creative medium because it gives the viewer an image, an example, or a parallel that can stay in the viewer's mind and allow him or her look at the literal realities of the Gospel in a new and unique way. Don't forget- Jesus did the same thing when He told parables!

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